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5 Facts a Dentist in Wayland Says You Should Know About Dry Mouth

December 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:50 pm
A woman sticking out her tongue.

Think back to the last time you exercised or ate a snack that was particularly high in sugar or salt. While both of these actions are quite different, they both result in the same side effect: dry mouth. Everyone has had dry mouth at some point, but did you know that there are significant implications behind having dry mouth all the time?

To help protect your oral health, a dentist in Wayland lists five facts you may not have known about dry mouth and what they mean for your oral health.

Fact #1: Dry Mouth Makes Oral Functions More Difficult

You’d be surprised by how many functions become difficult when your mouth is chronically dry. Tasting, chewing, swallowing and speaking all become hindered as a result of low saliva production. You won’t be able to enjoy foods in the same ways you have before, nor be able to digest them properly. Saliva plays a large role in breaking foods down in tandem with your teeth, so dry mouth needs to be treated promptly if it becomes a long-term issue.

Fact #2: There are Numerous Causes for Dry Mouth

Determining the exact cause may take some time, but in other cases the cause may be quite obvious. While the cause could be something basic like not getting enough water throughout the day, it could also be the salivary glands not working properly. Regardless, determining the cause of their malfunction is key. For example, it could be a side effect of your medication. If you’recurrently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, it can make saliva thicker and feel dry.

Fact #3: Saliva is Crucial to Oral Health

Saliva also works to remineralize teeth throughout the day. Mineralization is the process of saliva using your body’s fluoride ions to naturally strengthen and protect teeth. Without saliva, your teeth are at much higher risk-of decay. Saliva also works to control oral bacteria, reducing the risk of bacterial and fungal infections.

Fact #4: Dry Mouth Can Be Treated

In the case that medicine or treatment is causing your dry mouth, your doctor may recommend that you change your medicine or adjust the dosage to reduce the side effects. If your glands are not working properly, you may need a medication that helps these glands function more effectively. Artificial saliva can also be prescribed to keep the mouth moist.

Fact #5: Dry Mouth Can Be Managed

If the previous steps are not possible or your dry mouth is caused by external habits, then you can easily make a few changes to reduce your dry mouth. These include:

  • Sip water throughout the day
  • Reduce your consumption of sugary drinks
  • Chew sugarless gum after meals
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol
  • Use a humidifier while you sleep
  • Avoid spicy or salty snacks

Chronic dry mouth doesn’t have to be a fact of life. If you’re concerned that you have a higher risk of tooth decay or gum disease, schedule an appointment with a Wayland dentist to get treatment!

About Wayland Dental

Every patient is treated to their own unique needs when they visit Wayland Dental.There is no dental care that’s meant to be a one-size-fits-all solution; all patients receive personalized care that is friendly compassionate and effective. To learn more about treatments that can help your dry mouth, you can contact our office through our website.

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